7 Marketing Hacks You Aren't Leveraging (but should be)


Marketing School- 7 Marketing Hacks You Aren't Leveraging (but should be)


1. Resend your emails to anyone who didn't open them the first time they went out. Change the subject line in case the first one bored them.
2. Split test your titles.
3. Try web push notifications. Give people the option to opt in through their browser.
4. Use a contest widget.
5. Put the name of your site in your title tag; people will see your brand name over and over (and over) and that's a really good thing.
6. Add links to your popular posts in the footer of your site.
7. Use Facebook messenger to share your latest posts; it helps your biggest fans actually see it (and hopefully share it).


Resources & Refs

Privy- create custom popups to capture email addresses
Mobile Monkey- Facebook messenger marketing tool
OneSignal- create web push notifications
Optimizely- split testing tool
6 Awesome Tools for Running a Contest