Email Marketing Tips to Grow Your Subscriber List FAST


Neil Patel- Email Marketing Tips to Grow Your Subscriber List FAST


1. Add a popup subscribe box.
2. Create something worthwhile for people to opt in for. Make it super detailed and valuable.
3. Add an opt in box in your sidebar.
4. Create content upgrades aka even more/better info than you shared in your post inside a doc you have to subscribe to get. Share a link to sign up periodically in your post. Make different content upgrades for each blog post (and make it relevant to that post, obvi).
5. Show people what they're going to get before they sign up.
6. Try webinars. Teaching people something for free is always a good way to grow your list.
7. Once it's set up and running smoothly, bust out some Facebook ads to get more eyes on it.


Resources & Refs:

HelloBar- capture email addresses
LeadQuizzes- create quizzes that people opt in for