Friday Inspo to Make Shit Happen


Fresh Motivation- Friday Inspo to Make Shit Happen


1. The words you speak become your reality; your life will move in the direction of your words. 
2. Thoughts influence actions.
3. If you don't believe it, no one else will.
4. Deep down, you know what kind of person you were meant to be.
5. You can fail at what you don't love so you might as well do what you do love.
6. If you don't take action there will be no outcome. 
7. Failure is progress; don't be afraid of it.
8. If you help enough people get what they want you can have anything you want.


1. Don't let small minds tell you your dreams are too big.
2. Think big and think positive.
3. Get away from the people who are bringing you down -- or keeping you down.
4. Surround yourself with people who see your value and remind you of it.
5. Think like the person you intend to become.
6. Don't choose your path based on fear or practicality.
7. Chase after what you want as if your life depends on it... because it does.