Getting to SIX Figures on YouTube and in Your Biz


Sunny Lenarduzzi- Getting to SIX Figures on YouTube and in Your Biz


There are seasons of entrepreneurship: side hustle, solopreneur, scaling.


Side hustle season...
1. Make videos about shit you know. Painting, cameras, etc. 
2. Focus on quality vs. quantity in the beginning. Think of your videos like books; take your time and make them really F-ing good so they can live on for years.
3. Treat each video like an individual traffic machine. Create stuff your audience will actually care about.
4. Don't let equipment hold you back. The actual content matters more than the quality.

Solo season...
1. Focus and hustle. 
2. Start thinking about creating a team.
3. Map out the ideal biz you want.
4. Write down everything you suck at. Hire people who are great at those things.
5. Focus on the one thing that's moving the needle and worry about the other shit (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) later.

Scaling season... 
1. Invest in better gear.
2. Hire a team.
3. Dabble in ads.


Resources & refs

Crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk
The One Thing by Gary Keller
Think Media- the best gear for your channel
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

"Good is the enemy of great." Scrap the good and go for the great.