Handling Rejection & Hate (with a smile)


Sunny Lenarduzzi- Handling Rejection & Hate (with a smile)


If you want to be successful you have to put yourself out there. If you put yourself out there you're going to get rejection and hate. Get used to it.

Also know this...

1. It's not about you, it's about them. Try to find a useful or positive nugget in whatever they've said.
2. It's a projection of their personal experience, comfort level or beliefs. They may even be jealous that you're doing what they want to be doing.
3. You're your own biggest fan. Don't let comments get you down on yourself.
4. Rejection can be the best thing ever. It/they are probably just not meant to be in your life. Peace the F$@! out.
5. If they're not in the arena getting their ass kicked (like you are obvi), their comments DO NOT matter.


1. Don't take shit personal.
3. Write down 5 amazing things about yourself now orhow you see yourself in the future. Read and recite them often.


Resources & refs

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Mind Hacking by Sir John Hargrave
Brene Brown on vulnerability