How to Create Videos That Sell


Social Media Marketing- How to Create Videos That Sell


1. 82% of all content viewed online has video in it.
2. 90% of customers say videos helped them make a buying decision.
3. Viewers will start to know, like and trust you after watching you.
4. You'll be more successful if you systemize video production: setup a studio, have your lighting ready, know your content template.


1. Grab attention immediately. Scrap long, boring intros and make sure your set is clean (duh). Focus on the problem you're going to solve in your video.
2. Re-state the problem. Poke the bear; get into the mind of your customer. Hold nothing back; be brutally honest. Share your personal experience overcoming the problem.
3. Explain your solution. Make sure they know they're not going to find this particular remedy anywhere else. (See template below)  
Tip: make two lists:

  • features + benefits

  • pain points + solutions

Each pair = a video
4. Include testimonials from actual customers with actual proof your product is awesome.
5. Tell them what to do; "click the button below" // "sign up below to get my free guide on _____"


Resources & Refs

BG-Photo Backdrop Editor
The Video Marketing School

Introduction template: I help ______ achieve _______ through _____.
Ex: I help boss babes save time through listening to podcasts for them ;)

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