How To Get More Out Of Your Day


Marketing School- How To Get More Out Of Your Day


1. Block out time for important tasks. Ex:Fridays you record podcasts. 
2. Figure out what you want to do that's going to get you where you want to be and cut everything else out.
3. Put your head down and get shit done.
4. The day before, plan tomorrow. (This is probably a good time to write a onesie like Marie suggested yesterday... just sayin.)
5. Focus on the big things that are moving the needle. Get rid of bad habits and bad people. #sorrynotsorry
6. Stop consuming content and start producing content. Get. Shit. Done.
7. Delegate. Hire people to do the shit you aren't best at and focus on what you are best at.


Resources & Refs:

Perfect Day by Michael Hyatt
The One Thing by Gary Keller
The Eisenhower Box by James Clear
Rescue time- app that analyzes where you're actually spending your time