How to Make Money on Instagram (the easy way)


The Influencer Podcast- How to Make Money on Instagram (the easy way)


1. Network. Write a kickass bio that tells people what they're going to gain by following you. Tell a story that inspires people.
2. Engage (aka start a conversation). Don't just post a static caption, tell a story and ask people to interact with your post. Make people look forward to your posts because of the conversation you start.
3. Convert. Make your IG URL lead to an opt-in page. Give them a reason to click that link. By giving them something stellar for FREE you'll build trust and they'll buy when you're ready to sell.


Resources & Refs

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
LeadPages- create landing pages for your opt-ins


1. The step-by-step guide to making money on IG
2. Is and Instagram account even worth your time??

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