How To Manage Your Social Media More Productively 


Youpreneur FM- How To Manage Your Social Media More Productively 


Social media can suck hours from your day if you're not careful.


1. Set goals and create a strategy to reach them. Ask yourself: Why do you want to manage it? What do you expect to achieve? Who do you want to engage with? 
2. Use content calendars. Scheduling shit makes everything else easier.
3. Be in the know. Subscribe to blogs in your space. Set up a Google alert. Don't be clueless.
4. Get some solid processes in place. Next time you do anything with your blog, jot down the steps you took. Boom! You've got an SOP.
5. Nix perfectionism. Time is our most valuable resource. Don't waste it trying to be perfect (because nothing is).


Resources & Refs:

Coschedule- map out and schedule content
Sweet Process- document your process
Buffer- social media manager
MeetEdgar- social post scheduler