Shortcut Hacks for Entrepreneurs


Be Wealthy & Smart- Shortcut Hacks for Entrepreneurs


If you can learn from others successes -- and mistakes -- you'll be successful faster.


1. Embrace loneliness.
2. Friends and family can be your worst enemy. Follow your gut not your fam.
3. Everyone is on the same journey. Compare yourself to yourself and no one else.
4. Ask for help. Reach out to your network, outsource shit you're not great at, etc.
5. Partner with or hire top notch people. They're worth any investment you might need to make.
6. Lose your ego. Don't let pride get in the way of growth.
7. Build a business, not a lifestyle. If your biz is 100% build around you, it's really hard to take time off or outsource.
8. Stay focused. Do one thing brilliantly and then move on.
9. Work on earning millions, not saving hundreds.
10. Be addicted to growth, learning and self improvement. 


Resources & Refs

You're Already a Wealth Heiress by Linda P. Jones