What Runs First? How To Prioritize Your Marketing


Marketing School- What Runs First? How To Prioritize Your Marketing


Think of your sales funnel like a leaky bucket. Don't pour more water into it until it stops leaking. Find the holes, fix them and then pour as much water (aka traffic) in as you want.


1. Look at analytics to see what's working (and what's not)
2. If your conversion rate is good, optimize it.
3. If your conversion rate sucks, fix it. See which step in your sales funnel is bringing you down and run some A/B tests on it. 
4. Once you figure out your funnel and patch all the holes, try paid ads for traffic then test that shit, too.


Resources & Refs:

MixPanel- analyze user journeys
GrowthHackers North Star- software to help you grow based on test results

FYI: If you're improving by 1-2% each week, you're on the right track.