Want to Hire a Publicist? Do This First...


The Influencer Podcast- Want to Hire a Publicist? Do This First...


A publicist will help you land media coverage, but they can't help you until you're rock solid on your branding, products and messaging.


Ask yourself:
1. Do you have a clear brand identity?
2. Why are you in this business?
3. What are you trying to say?
4. How are you similar to/different from your peers?
5. What is unique about your approach?
6. What types of data, analytics or transformation moments have you had?
7. Who is your audience?
8. Where do they get their media? (YouTube, magazines, etc.)
9. Do you know your target customer deeply? (What they do for fun, what are their biggest fears, etc.)
10. Do you have a press kit? (You're gonna need one.)


Resources & Refs

How to Attract Your Ideal Audience
Free PR Tips