7 Unconventional Ways to Monetize Your Attention

Marketing School- 7 Unconventional Ways to Monetize Your Attention


1. If you have a small, niche audience, you could charge people to be on your podcast.
2. Monetize your social audience with events or one-on-one sessions. 
Tip: when you're done, upload it to your YouTube channel and charge per view (minds blown!!).
3. Start a paid newsletter or podcast membership for exclusive content.
4. Be an evangelist for other brands. They'll typically pay you a monthly retainer.
5. Launch an online course
6. Use a platform like Udemy for your course.
Tip: they'll push you to the top of their feed if your course gets good reviews.
7. Run live or virtual events.


Resources & Refs

Fundo- monetize your social channels
Substack- start a paid newsletter
Course platformsThinkificTeachableKajabiMemberPressCourseraUdemy