The Science Behind Choosing the Right Business Model


Youpreneur.FM- The Science Behind Choosing the Right Business Model, with Ryan Levesque


Who you serve is more important than any what's (products, services, etc.) you'll ever create.


1. Figure out exactly what niche your biz is going to serve before you launch.
2. Stalk keyword volume for successful companies you admire. Plug in your keywords next to them and see where they land as compared to the winners.
3. Stalk your competition. Find the gaps in their offerings and fill them with yours.
4. Be you. No one can compete with that.

5 market must-haves before you start a biz in it

1. It needs to be evergreen aka relevant for a really long time.
2. It needs to be something where people keep coming back, not a one-and-done service.
3. It should solve an urgent problem.
4. It should also solve future problems; shit that comes up after the first success. (Hint: you can make a second product for that second problem.)
5. It needs to be full of people who are ready, willing and able to spend money.


Resources & Refs

Ask by Ryan Levesque
Choose by Ryan Levesque
Google Trends- see how big your market is and how many keywords there are in it
BuzzSumo- find what's trending in your niche
AHRefs- research your competitors