Building Your Empire and Your Impact with Marie Forleo


Sunny Lenarduzzi- Building Your Empire and Your Impact with Marie Forleo


1. You have to solve a problem -- and really want to help people with that problem.
2. If you're not obsessed, you're going to fail.
3. When you sign up to be an entrepreneur, you're signing up for a shit ton of uncertainty and you need to be OK with that.
4. With time and experience you'll gain confidence.
5. We all start at rock bottom.
6. Don't get sucked into the comparison game.
7. If you're passionate about something you can turn it into a business.
8. You have to be willing to learn about sales and marketing.


1. Find the thing that lights you up like a Christmas tree.
2. Focus on what matters and ignore everything that doesn't.
3. Be patient. 
4. Know your boss DNA. Do you thrive under pressure aka you're going out of business if you don't make 10 sales today? Or do you work better when you have some financial security?
5. Get a side gig if you need some cash.
6. Focus on the things that are moving the needle.
7. Spend less time on your phone and on social.
8. Define what success means to you. 
9. If you're not willing to hustle for years with very little income, don't enter the game.


Resources & Refs:

B-School- Marie's incredible business course (we're alum!)

"If you have it in your heart and you want it bad enough, you absolutely have what it takes. Get off fucking social media, stop staring at your phone, start creating value for someone meaning, solve a problem, and you'll get there." -Marie Forleo