How to Create an Evergreen Lead Machine on YouTube


Online Marketing Made EasyHow to Create an Evergreen Lead Machine on YouTube


Evergreen = something you made once that's never ending, always working for you... even when you're on vaca


Make videos that solve people's problems and they'll find you and you'll grow.

Phase one

1. Create profitable content aka increase reach and revenue.
2. Research before you record (FAQ's, stalk your competition, trends, keywords/phrases).

Phase two

1. Think about how people search. Write titles they'd actually type in.
2. Get right into the content don't F around with a long intro.
3. Tell them what you're going to teach them and why you're credible to teach it.
4. Create a guide for them to download that goes into even more depth than your video.
5. Ask them to like, comment, subscribe and/or share your video.

Phase three

1. Share share share share share that video. 
2. Pick keywords with 100 - 1,000 results per month. Use this plugin to see how many results your keywords get.


Resources & refs

Sunny Lenarduzzi- YouTube growth pro
3-Month SEO Plan
YouTube for Entrepreneurs
0-100,000 YouTube subscribers

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