How to actually DO the thing and STOP overthinking


Make Money Online- The actual DOING of the thing


1. Overthinking = analysis paralysis.
2. The biggest thing that separates successful biz owners from failures is the capability to plan and execute without overthinking.
3. The more time you spend over-analyzing an action, the less time you're spending actually doing the action.
4. When you're a doer, you'll have to accept less than perfect work.
5. If you genuinely hate the actual thing, stop doing it!
6. Looking at tasks in terms of how much they'll actually impact your biz is super helpful.
7. It's easy to add shit to your to-do list, but hard to DO it. 
8. You get known for doing what you do. If you're too busy overthinking, you'll never be known for it.
9. You'll make time if it actually matters to you.


1. Stop overthinking and start executing, duh.
2. When you finish a task, write down the next logical thing to be doing and then schedule that shit.
3. Write out the exact, minimum number of steps you need to take to complete that next task.
4. If you feel 70% confident in a decision, just make it.
5. Be more aggressive in your life. Pretend you have ONE year to succeed at this and that's it. 
6. Become really good at recognizing if you're headed down the wrong path and then pivot ASAP.
7. Remember you have ONE life. Don't fart around or waste time. Also don't waste time on anything you don't actually WANT to do.


Resources & Refs

Omnifocus- task management software

"Nobody's gonna start the thing but you."


1. 9 Habits of productive people
2. Did you see our IG post today?? Vitamin D is uber important for productivity. If you want to be successful at doing the thing (see above), make sure you're getting enough.
3. You'll never reach your full potential if you're eating like shit. Sorry not sorry.