How to choose what to focus on in your business


Socialette- How to choose what to focus on in 2022


"What you achieve in your business is as much a factor of what you say YES to as it is what you say NO to." -Steph Taylor

1. If you're juggling too many balls aka projects, you'll never actually finishany of them... womp womp.
2. It's ok for your "why" to change as you go.
3. Burnout is real, don't set yourself up for it.
4. You'll probably get bored at some point. Reminding yourself why you started and focusing more on what you actually enjoy will get you over the hump.


1. Don't start a bunch of projects all at once. Start--and FINISH--one thing at a time.
2. Figure out what you actually WANT from your business. Is it...

  • Financial freedom

  • Time freedom

  • Massive impact

3. Be realistic about the time you have to finish shit.
4. Map out a time quadrant and categorize your tasks then start with the highest impact + least amount of time required items.
5. Figure out what you really want to DO. What are you excited about? What do you enjoy most? Do more of that.


Resources & Refs

The Dip by Seth Godin