Fear vs. Intuition: How to Tell the Difference


MarieTV- Fear vs. Intuition: How to Tell the Difference


1. When you think about doing the thing... do you feel expansive or contracted?

Expansive = even if there's some fear there, you feel like you really want to do it; your posture straightens and you feel like your chest is opening up.
Contracted = you feel a sense of dread. Your chest tightens up and you feel like you're pulling in, not expanding.

2. Talk to your BFFs about it. Let them watch your body language and tell you if you're expansive or contracted.  

1. If you feel expansive, do it. If you light up like a Christmas tree while talking about it, do it. 
2. If you feel contracted, don't do it. If you start to look dead while talking about it, don't do it.


Resources & Refs:

"The more important a project is to your soul's evolution, the more you'll resist it." -Steven Pressfield